Kamila Lasota Stranz LMT, LLC


About The Practitioner


Kamila Lasota Stranz, Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) 

In May 2023 I graduated from Massage Training Institute in Kalispell, MT and shortly after took a Massage Board Certification Exam, by passing which I became a Licensed Therapist and a member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).

During my 600 hours training I gained not only theoretical knowledge about Kinesiology, Anatomy & Physiology of human body but most important - how to use those information to help people deal with pain and other muscle dysfunctions.
Since graduation, my objective has been to learn as much as possible to improve my skills to better serve the community and individual needs of my clients.

My work is focused on your goals:

- if you need a relaxation after stressful day - I can offer you a soothing Swedish Massage, or little more pampering with salt scrub, add Hot Stones and your favorite essential oil.

- if you dealing with chronic pain or recovering from injury - I can provide therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage based on my Neuromascular (Trigger Point Therapy) training.

or if you never had a massage before (but you want to try it) and you're not sure what is right for you - I can guide you through all the options to find the best treatment tailored to your unique needs.

Even thou I graduated with MA in Culture Studies and Education (University of Bialystok, Poland) I always liked working with my hands - I'm a quilter, gardener (that loves traditional ways of food preservation), and herbalist - amateur, passionate about all the amazing properties of surrounding nature. I also deeply value one-to-one contact  and meaningful interactions.

Feel free to check all the services I provide and book the appointment - call/text 406-450-4652



Massage Training Institute of Montana

Board o I f Massage License

Montana License

Blackfeet Tribe Bussines License

Neuromascular Therapy Certification

Orthopedic Cupping 1 Certification

Orthopedic Cupping 2 Certification

Orthopedic Cupping 3 Certification

Neck Stretching Certification